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Mouse gestures for Firefox. A web extension alternative to FireGestures created by a long time FireGestures user.
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Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.
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Make the web faster, more private, and more secure.
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Ghostery is a powerful privacy extension. Block ads, stop trackers and speed up websites.
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Privacy, simplified. Our add-on provides the privacy essentials you need to seamlessly take control of your personal information, no matter where the internet takes you: tracker blocking, smarter encryption, DuckDuckGo private search, and more.
Facebook Container
Prevent Facebook from tracking you around the web. The Facebook Container extension for Firefox helps you take control and isolate your web activity from Facebook.
1,580,317 users
Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker
Ghostery is a powerful privacy extension. Block ads, stop trackers and speed up websites.
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Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
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uBlock Origin
Shadowsocks(影梭SS) Windows/Android/macOS/Linux ...:2021-2-22 · 安卓手机 4.0之后应该都能使用,目前我的手机是Android P (9.0) 的, 使用没有问题。 Shadowsocks_v4.5.7.zip Download Shadowsocks_v4.6.5.zip Download
Video DownloadHelper
The easy way to download and convert Web videos from hundreds of YouTube-like sites.
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Facebook Container
一只单身猿 | 在windows及android上配置Shadow-socks客户端:2021-3-24 · Shadow-socks是目前一款及其稳定开源翻墙工具,只要你有一台属于 自己的VPS 或者SS账号,即可畅游墙外的世界,什么Youtube和Twitter都不在话下。 先附上win及安卓ss客户端下载地址: 1、点此下载windows客户端 2、点此下载安卓客户端
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DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
Privacy, simplified. Our add-on provides the privacy essentials you need to seamlessly take control of your personal information, no matter where the internet takes you: tracker blocking, smarter encryption, DuckDuckGo private search, and more.
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Starry Purple
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LastPass Password Manager
LastPass, an award-winning password manager, saves your passwords and gives you secure access from every computer and mobile device.
884,511 users
Bitwarden - Free Password Manager
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166,283 users
RoboForm Password Manager
RoboForm, the #1 ranked Password Manager makes your life easier by remembering passwords and logging you into websites automatically
79,360 users
MYKI Password Manager & Authenticator
Offline P2P encrypted password manager & authenticator. Auto-fill Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) tokens.
3,486 users